She’s studying Art Education at university and she’s a freelance artist and graphic designer. At 19 years old, she is a powerhouse of a woman!

When I was 19, I was living in my overdraft, drinking waaaay too much and dragging myself through a university course I didn’t enjoy. There wasn’t a single brain cell in me with the drive to start my own business.

Natascha is passionate about her studies and runs her own business. She’s a huge advocate for mental health awareness. And like many Germans, she’s also fluent (and I do mean FLUENT) in English.

How can you not admire this?!

I reached out to Natascha after seeing her latest work on Instagram and asked if she could design me a logo and banner for my blog.

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Natascha ☾ freelance artist (@nataschatami)

One of Natascha’s latest pieces 😍

The work Natascha did for me:

She accepted, I sent her a mood board of photos, graphics, colours and font styles I liked. Within a few days, she sent me the first sketches for the logo.

black and white image of six different sketches of the logo design.

We made one small change together and a short while later, she sent me the finished logo.

Logo design by Natascha Götz - a flat open golden coloured book with the large letter S above it, surrounded by flowers.
The finished logo design!

Next up, the banner. I had no idea what she would design for the banner because I gave her complete free reign to draw whatever she wanted.

I’m pretty good at words, but when it comes to design and artistic creativity? Not so much. It’s why my flat remains un-decorated after almost two years of living in it.

You can imagine my surprise when Natascha sent me THIS as the finished product!

Banner design by Natascha Götz - illustration of rocks, mountains, water, trees, a path and a woman (Steffi). The name Steffi is written along the path illustration in a handwriting style.
The finished banner design!

I actually did a little scream when I saw it.

The banner is live on my website right now and my logo will begin creeping into places here and there – keep your eyes peeled!

Natascha is already an exceptionally talented artist and I can’t wait to see how she grows and develops her work as she gets older.

You can find Natascha Götz through her website HERE or on Instagram HERE – she is currently taking commissions!

FULL DISCLAIMER: I paid Natascha for every penny of her work. This is not an AD, sponsored or gifted in any way!

See you sunday for a full blog post on comedy in Germany.

Love, Steffi x

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