Moving to Germany: part two

After collapsing in an exhausted heap on our first night, we wake on our second day, ready to face our new world.

First, we head to town to meet our landlord and get the keys to our flat. We unload our car and start to make lists. Lists of furniture we need, of things that might be nice to get in the future, of food required.

Next up, a trip to Ikea. We have enough cash to buy some basic furniture, the essentials to get us going. In the car park, we play Tetris trying to fit everything in the back of our car and return to the flat to unload.

One more night in the hotel before Zac starts his new job tomorrow.

Day 3 and we are up at 5 am as Zac has to drive me to the flat before heading to his new work.

My first stop this morning is the bakery. Despite making the list, we have not physically got the food yet. A pretzel and coffee for breakfast, to get me in the German spirit. Then I head back to the flat to start building Ikea furniture. Lunchtime comes and I realise once again, we still have no food. So, I take myself to the supermarket 200 yards down the road and buy lunch plus the essentials.

The next morning, after Zac leaves for work, I take a walk around our new town, to learn landmarks and streets. Another coffee, another pretzel – it’s just part of the culture, right? I’m trying to fit in! And I’m trying to make moving to Germany fun.

When Zac gets home, we head to our town hall to register our residency here. I’ve online about how difficult it is to register for residency in Germany and how hot they are on paperwork. I get nervous and take every ID document I’ve ever received with me.

It is not difficult. We’re white, British and moved before a Brexit deal. Of course it’s not difficult. They ask for our passports, we sign some papers, we get given a welcome pack for the region and we’re sent on our way.

Day 5 and sadly, I now have to leave Zac for a little over a month. I still have to work my notice at work, and I have to say goodbye to my friends and family. I head to Munich airport by train, quickly find my gate and the nearest bar to it.

This will be the longest time Zac and I have ever spent apart from each other, I think to myself as I sip on my beer. God, I hope moving to Germany is all worth it…

2 thoughts on “Moving to Germany: part two”

  1. Pingback: Moving to Germany: part one. - Adventures of Steffi

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