10 wonderful podcasts about the expat experience to wrap your ears around right now

My name is Steffi. And I have a podcast addiction.

Going for a walk? Podcast. Cooking dinner? Podcast. Having a bath? Podcast. Taking the bins out? PODCAST.

I’m even listening to a podcast as I write this post (Today in Focus by the Guardian, one of my favourite current affairs podcasts). 

I’ve been in love with podcasts since around 2018, when I started walking to/from work. But my love for them grew exponentially after I moved to Germany. It makes me feel like I have a friend in my ear all day, every day.

Since anyone and everyone can start a podcast, it might not surprise you to learn that there are a ton of them centered around the theme of being an expat. I’ll guarantee you can find them for any country you’re dreaming of moving to.

Here are my top 10!

1. The Expat Cast

The Expat Cast - a podcast about expats by American Nicole living in Germany.

When I moved to Germany, I did some thorough research (*Googling) for some good expat podcasts to listen to. This came up in almost every article I read.

The Expat Cast is the creation of Nicole, an American expat living in Germany. Many of the episodes are based around expats living in Germany, but there is definitely something in there for everyone! Nicole also features a great series called ‘Travel Germany’ which features virtual tours of different German towns and cities through the eyes of people who have relocated there.
Nicole is a fab interviewer, she comes across as super friendly and open. I can personally attest to this as I was recently on an episode!

Episodes I’ve enjoyed:

2. Meet the Expats

Meet the Expats is a relatively new podcast, started during Lockdown 1.0. It explores stories of expats from all over the world. Their motivations, challenges and the unique experiences in the places they call home.

The audio quality on a few of the earlier episodes isn’t as good as some of the other podcasts here. But I understand that not everyone has the budget to get stuff done.

Episodes I’ve enjoyed:

3. Expat Focus

Expat Focus is a full website for expats the world over. They offer services, guides, articles and a podcast to help expats navigate life abroad. 

There are episodes from experienced expats and professionals with something to suit whichever part of the world you’re in or looking to relocate to. 

Check out these episodes:

4. The Bittersweet Life

I came across The Bittersweet Life earlier this year when an episode centered around disappearing languages was released. I have since dipped in and out of the podcast and find some of the discussions super interesting.

Not only do hosts Katy Sewall and Tiffany Parks discuss the highs and lows of the expat experience, they go deeper into the cultural and historical discussion, particularly of Rome and Italy. They’ve interviewed a miriad of fascinating guests, including famous classicist Mary Beard and author Anthony Doerr (All the Light We Cannot See – in my opinion, one of the best written books in recent years).

Episodes I’ve enjoyed:

5. Pop Your Cultural Cherry

First up, Pop Your Cultural Cherry is possibly one of the best podcast names I’ve ever heard. Second, it brings one of the most unique perspectives to the expat experience, because the guests are usually from Asian countries and living in Europe. 

Host Lawin is super articulate and provides some great insight into life in Europe from a Filipino perspective. It is never a bad thing to listen to life from somebody else’s point of view.

Episodes I’ve enjoyed:

6. Two Fat Expats

Another one of the top podcasts listed when you google ‘Expat Podcasts’. Two Fat Expats by Nikki Moffitt and Kirsty Rice, is a podcast about living the large expat life! While they understand it can be hard to be away from friends and family, they believe wholeheartedly in enjoying the experience, not enduring it.

There are a lot of episodes related to being an expat parent – worth listening to if you’ve got kids or are planning on having kids while abroad. But they also discuss the more emotional side of being an expat, rather than simply giving advice on “how to be an expat”. Raw and honest, this is definitely a podcast to sink your teeth into.

Episodes I’ve enjoyed:

7. Transcontinental Overload

I have a lovely story to tell about my “meeting” with Steph from Transcontinental Overload. I remember her following me on Instagram very early on in my blogging journey. I checked out her podcast and added it to my list.

However, something you should know: my podcast list is about 1000 shows long. And because I’m a sucker for planning and order, I often listen to shows right from when they started straight through to the most recent episodes. It’s not efficient, but it’s just how my brain works okay.

Anyway, I was geeking out one day on my blog stats and I kept seeing that I was getting visitors coming to my site from Transcontinental Overload. I stalked Steph’s site for ages until I finally found she’d only stuck my little blog on her “recommend reading” list!

Steph talks to expats from all over the world and there are such interesting stories on there. 

Episodes I’ve enjoyed:

8. Balancing Cultures

I became aware of Balancing Cultures through the power of Instagram. The podcast takes a more holistic approach to expat stories. Host Meghan Kitchen helps those living abroad tell their stories of learning about new cultures and the culture within themselves. She also includes her own reflections and stories. 

In her own words: “each episode brings connection because in each of us is a balancing, regardless of which passport we have or if we have a passport at all.”

Episodes I’ve enjoyed:

9. The Expat Money Show

I discovered The Expat Money Show when I was looking for information on how to start investing as an expat and how to handle my finances while living abroad. Basically, what I’m telling you is that I’ve decided to grow up. I’m not happy about it, but I also want money and financial stability, so…

Guests on The Expat Money Show are usually successful entrepreneurs and investors from around the world. They discuss successes, failures and travel. There’s also episodes centered around more controversial topics such as offshore bank accounts and tax exemptions on your foreign income. 

Episodes I’ve enjoyed:

10. The Germany Experience

Similar to The Expat Cast, The Germany Experience was another highly recommended podcast when seeking out some comfort in a new scary land and was the first podcast I remember actually listening to when I moved here.

As you can probably tell from the title, this podcast is largely about life in Germany. However, you can also find a sprinkling of German guests in there from time to time. Either German expats who are living elsewhere in the world, or German experts who very kindly explain in simple English how on earth Germany works!

Episodes I’ve enjoed:

What are your favourite expat podcasts? Let me know below! ⬇

Are you looking for guests for your podcast? Let’s talk – take a look at my previous collaborations here.

1 thought on “10 wonderful podcasts about the expat experience to wrap your ears around right now”

  1. Pingback: Moving to Germany? Here are 21 great resources to get you started!

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