November 2021

Adventures of Steffi - How to find a job in Germany PLUS 10 signs you're ready for a career change with Lisa Janz Job Coach Germany

How to find a job in Germany PLUS 10 signs you’re ready for a career change – with Lisa Janz Job Coach Germany.

šŸ„šŸ„ Itā€™s my first ever guest post!! I started to draft a post about quitting your job in Germany and finding a new one and I dropped Lisa a short email to ask if she wouldnā€™t mind sharing a few tips on how to do this. However, I quickly realised that it should be Lisa […]

How to find a job in Germany PLUS 10 signs you’re ready for a career change – with Lisa Janz Job Coach Germany. Read More Ā»

Does moving abroad make you happy? Is moving abroad worth it? PLUS 8 more excellent questions answered!

If youā€™ve ever asked yourself these questions, then please take comfort in the fact that you are not alone. The whole Internet is asking! I did some research to see what the world is asking about moving abroad and Iā€™ve answered the ten most popular questions. Is moving abroad even for me? First and foremost,

Does moving abroad make you happy? Is moving abroad worth it? PLUS 8 more excellent questions answered! Read More Ā»

8 great reasons you need to learn another language by Adventures of Steffi

8 great reasons you need to learn another language.

Why should I bother learning another language? Iā€™ve written before about why you should learn the language of the country you live in. But Iā€™ve never written about why you should bother to learn another language even if you donā€™t live in that country. Learning a language is useful, it helps your personal wellbeing and

8 great reasons you need to learn another language. Read More Ā»